Wednesday, 15 December 2010

new haiku book

Haiku At Seventy my new collection from Anarchios Press (see website) was launched successfully at the gallery and bar of the beautifully refurbished Exeter Picturehouse on December 8th. This proved to be a very enjoyable occasion. Despite quite a few people unable to get there (snow and ice around Dartmoor area in particular), over fifty did turn up, bought books and said how much they'd enjoyed the reading. (Their reactions were especially welcome, as I'd felt I had a hard job to equal, if not top, the reading at the Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea, on fireworks night, as mentioned in earlier blog.) Friendship and euphoria alike are all too often fleeting: who said that? It has an alliterative ring about it, but I think it's actually a fugitive line of mine from some unwritten poem… Anyway, I'm blessed with some lovely friends, two of whom were staying over with us, and so being a septuagenarian doesn't worry me unduly: I want us all to live as long and happily as possible, compos mentis and in decent health. Keep well all of you, and remember it's books not blogs and poems not politicians, that will survive.